Developing Educational
Updates Page (September 1995-June 1996)
Developing Educational Standards is an annotated
list of Internet sites with K-12 educational standards and curriculum
frameworks documents, maintained by Charles
Hill and the Putnam Valley Schools in New York. Your help
with updates or corrections is greatly appreciated. This page was last updated on June 21, 1996.
Updates: | Current | Sep. 1995 - June 1996
| July 1996 - June 1997 | July 1997
- June 1998 | July
1998 - Dec 1999 |
une 21, 1996 Update Information: Help needed for New York
With all the changes going on in New York State, I have set
up three pages dealing with the state's new standards and frameworks,
changes in its assessment process in general, and changes in
the Regents exams and graduation requirements - also accessible
from the New York State page
(look under Putnam Valley). The information currently summarizes
material that SED mails out plus whatever I have gleaned from
the SED web site.
If you have Internet resources you can add to these pages, please
send me information about them and I will put your documents
- or links to them - on this server (for example, sample assessment
tools or lessons you or your district has that directly tie in
with the new frameworks; you could email me documents already
formatted or send them and I will take care of the html coding).
My sense is that SED is going to be looking to the BOCES, teacher
centers, and districts to do a lot of this kind of work and that
it does not have the resources to provide us with the kind of
support material that it has supplied in the past. If this is
the case, then the pages and links on this server will help us
all in the months and years to come.
June 17, 2023 Update Information
- We were hit by lightning on Thursday, June 13, at about 2:30
in the afternoon. No one was hurt but we lost some important
electronic components to our system and the problem was not fixed
until today. If you tried to get in but couldn't - that's the
reason. (If you are not aware of how things work here: no one
is in charge of anything related to this web site as an official
part of his or her job. Our networking is done by Paul Lee, the
district's business manager, because he likes tinkering with
that sort of stuff. I take care of the web site itself.) We have
had to move the server to a temporary location and hope to be
fully back to our original location as soon as the fried wiring
is replaced.
- Added links to supplementary frameworks resources from Plymouth
State College for New Hampshire to the math
and science pages and to the
state page.
- Added a link to the National Council on Economic Education's
EconomicAmerica web site to the Professional
Organizations and the social
studies pages.
June 10, 2023 Update Information
- Added links to the Indiana Core 40 Science Competencies
to the state and science
- Added a link to the North American Association for Environmental
Education and its environmental education standards to the
Professional Organizations and science pages.
- Added information about the curriculum mapping work beginning
to appear on Delaware's Curriculum Consumers Information Service
web site to the Delaware
- Added a link to the draft ESL Standards prepared by
TESOL and the Center for Applied Linguistics to the Professional
Organizations and Foreign Language/ESL
- Added a link to the American Council on the Teaching of
Foreign Languages to the Professional
Organizations and Foreign Language/ESL
- Updated the Minnesota Graduation Standards page and
added information about the Profile of Learning to the
state and relevant subject
area pages.
June 3, 2023 Update Information
May 27, 2023 Update Information
- Added links to curriculum standards documents for communications,
math, science, and social studies to the Kanas page and
to relevant subject area pages.
- Added an announcement about the "Core Content"
documents to the Kentucky page.
- Added links to frameworks information for business education
and industrial technology education to the Nebraska page
and to relevant subject area pages.
- Added links on the New Jersey page to the "Strategic
Plan for Systemic Improvement of Education in New Jersey"
and to the February 1996 "Core Curriculum Standards."
- Updated links on the South Carolina and relevant subject
area pages for art, foreign language, and math.
- Added a link to the US Department of Education's "Goals
2000: Increasing Student Achievement Through State and Local
Initiatives" (published on April 30) to the governmental
resources page; revised other DOE entries.
- Added a page with links to
every known state education department.
- Added a page showing
awards given to the Developing Educational Standards site.
May 13, 2023 Update Information
- Updated the Washington page with new links to standards
in the areas of the Arts, Health and Fitness, Science, Social
Studies, and Technology. Also added links to state assessment
and background documents on the Washington standards.
May 6, 2023 Update Information
- Updated the Michigan page and links to English/language
arts, math, science, and social studies.
- Added links to two excellent articles on the McREL
site - one by Robert Marzano and John Kindall on "The Fall
and Rise of Standards-Based Education" and the other by
Don Burger on "Designing a Sustainable Standards-based Assessment
System." McREL remains one of handful of best sites for
educators on the web.
- Added a link to the National Center on Educational Outcomes
to the professional organizations page.
April 29, 2023 Update Information
- Added new listings for Utah on the state page and
on subject pages in the areas of art, health, information technology,
language arts, library media, math, music, science, social studies,
and vocational education.
- Created a new subject page for library media.
April 22, 2023 Update Information
- Added ESL Standards for Pre-K-12 Students, prepared
by the Center for Applied Linguistics, in cooperation
with the Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages,
to the Foreign Language/ESL page and to the General Resources
- Added the National Standards for Business Education,
prepared by the National Business Education Association,
to the Occupational/Business Education page and to the General
Resources page.
- Added a link to the National Science Teachers Association's
Scope, Sequence & Coordination Project to the Science
page and to the General Resources page.
- Updated the Council for Basic Education page with
links to several articles about standards.
April 8, 2023 Update Information
- Added the Council of Chief State School Officers to
the Organizations page.
- Added the Council of Great City Schools to the Organizations
- Added the National Center for History in the Schools
to the Organizations page and updated its links on the social
studies page.
- Added a link to the US Department of Education's Sites
Offering Academic And Skill Standards on the Governmental
Resources page.
- Added a link on the Governmental Resources and state pages
to SciMathMN regarding the Statewide Systemic Initiatives
program in Minnesota.
- Added a link on the Mid-continent Regional Educational
Laboratory (McREL) site to an excellent article called "Eight
Questions You Should Ask Before Implementing Standards-Based
Education at the Local Level," by Robert J. Marzano.
- Added links to Arizona's draft documents in health,
language arts, math, physical education, and workplace skills.
- Added Oregon's Proficiency-based Admission Standards System
(PASS) site to the state and subject area pages.
March 25-27, 1996 Update Information
- Added information about the various Occupational Skills
Standards Projects, including links and information maintained
by the US Department of Education, the Mid-continent Regional
Educational Laboratory (McREL), SKILLSNET, and the National Center
for Research in Vocational Education.
- Added information about the National Center on Education
and the Economy (NCEE) and the New Standards Project.
- Added links to various New York State Education Department
announcements and positions papers as well as to the state's
new draft framework on career development and occupational studies.
March 11, 2023 Update Information
- Updated the Montana page and relevant subject pages with
links to serveral curriculum guides available in Adobe Acrobat
- Updated the New York page with links to information appearing
on the Education Department's gopher.
- Added CAPS - Curriculum and Performance Standards
- to the New York page. CAPS is a. collection of standards and
curiculum projects related to standards developed by the school
districts within the Putnam/Northern Westchester BOCES region.
- Updated the Vermont page and relevant subject pages with
links to its "Framework of Standards and Learning Opportunities."
March 4, 2023 Update Information
- Revised site to give one page to each state and each subject
- Updated the Colorado page and modified its entry on the science
- Updated Mid-continent Reginal Laboratory entries on
the Centers, Clearinghouses, etc. page and on pages for the arts,
foreign language, health, language arts, math, physical education,
science, and social studies.
- Made some minor changes on the Virginia page.
- Added a small amount of information about the state's frameworks
to the Rhode Island page.
- Added information about the standards development process
to the Texas page.
- Added the Education Excellence Network to the Organizations
- Added the Council for Basic Education to the Organizations
and social studies pages.
February 26, 2023 Update Information
- Updated state and subject pages for Arkansas in art, English
language arts, foreign language, math, reading, social studies,
and science.
- Updated state and subject pages for California's Challenge
Initiatives in applied learning, career preparation, foreign
language, health education, history and social science, language
arts, math, physical education, science, service learning, and
visual and performing arts.
- Added Colorado's Board of Education policy statement on standards
based education.
- Added the National Academy Press and National Academy
of Sciences excellent version of the National Science
Education Standards to the overview and subject pages.
- Updated state and subject pages for Maryland in math, reading,
social studies, science, and writing/language usage.
- Updated state and subject pages for Massachusetts in the
arts, health, mathematics, science and technology, and world
languages; noted the failure of the Board of Education to endorse,
so far, the English language arts and the social studies frameworks.
- Updated state and subject pages for Michigan in art, career
and employability skills, English language arts, health, life
management, math, physical education, science, social studies,
technology, and world languages.
February 12, 2023 Update Information
- Updated information about Minnesota standards on the state
and subject pages.
February 5, 2023 Update Information
- Added a link to Alaska's technology standards.
- Updated information about the delay in Arizona's standards
(state page).
- Updated Colorado references to its Model Content Standards
in geography, history, mathematics, reading and writing, and
science (state and subject pages).
- Updated New Jersey references to its Core Curriculum Content
Standards in the arts, career education, comprehensive health
and physical education, language arts and literacy, mathematics,
science, social studies, and world languages (state and subject
- Updated New York City references to its curriculum frameworks
in language other than English, language arts, mathematics, occupational
education and technical studies, science, social studies, and
the visual arts (state and subject pages).
- Updated New York State references to its timetable for the
pilot assessment of its new frameworks (state and subject pages).
- Updated references to the Kennedy Center's ArtsEdge standards
resources in the arts (subject page).
January 22, 2023 Update Information
- Split the By Subject and By State pages into two parts each
so that their parts could be more easily loaded. These pages
had grown to over 60k apiece, exclusive of graphics.
- Updated the New York State listings on the subject and state
January 10, 2023 Update Information
- Added the Eisenhower National Clearinghouse to the Overview
page and updated its listings in math and science.
- Added listings about the Georgia Quality Core Curriculum
to the state and subject pages.
- Added an art listing for Nebraska to the state and subject
- Added a reference to an Arizona Department of Education note
that it expected to have standards pages up by January 12.
- Added a math link to the state page for Alabama, Iowa, Idaho,
Kansas, Maryland, Montana, North Dakota, and Pennsylvania.
- Added a science link to the state page for Florida, Iowa,
Idaho, Kansas, and North Dakota.
January 4, 2023 Update Information
- Updated New Hampshire's "K-12 Science Curriculum Framework"
link on both the state and subject pages..
- Updated links to New York's frameworks and added information
about the Onondaga-Cortland-Madison BOCES Regional Information
Center site which puts these frameworks on line.
December 18-21, 1995 Update Information
- Added "Summary of Analyzed State Curriculum Frameworks"
to the McREL section of the overview page.
- Added the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory (SEDL)
to the overview page, along with references to pdf files about
curriculum frameworks.
- Added the Northeast and Islands Regional Laboratory (NEIRL)
to the overview, along with links to documents on "Opportunity
to Learn Standards."
- Added an Atlantic Monthly article about standards
to the overview page.
- Added the International Technology Education Association
and its technology standards project to the overview and subject
- Added OASIS (On-line Activities for Standards in School)
to the science and Colorado listings.
- Added the draft version of chapter 10 of the New Jersey Mathematics
Standards and Framework to the math and New Jersey listings.
Also added a link to the New Jersey Mathematics Coalition's Home
Page (the coalition is responsible for placing the New Jersey
Standards on line).
December 12, 2022 Update Information
- Added to the "Overview" Page
- The American Association for the Advancement of Science.
- The American Historical Association.
- The National Academy of Sciences and ordering information
for the National Science Education Standards.
- The National Science Teachers Association - A press release
supporting the new science standards.
- The North Central Regional Educational Laboratory Pathways
to School Improvement - An update to its Critical Issues series
- The Organization of American History - Information about
upcoming National History Standards meetings
- Added to the "By Subject" Page
- The American Association for the Advancement of Science (added
to science).
- The American Historical Association (added to social studies).
- Massachusetts - Updated the social studies curriculum framework.
- The National Academy of Sciences (added to science).
- The National Science Teachers Association - A press release
supporting the new science standards.
- New Hampshire - K-12 Math Curriculum Frameworks.
- The North Central Regional Educational Laboratory Pathways
to School Improvement - An update to its Critical Issues series
math and science articles.
- The Organization of American History (added to social studies).
- South Carolina - Frameworks and standards for the visual
and performing arts, foreign language, and math.
- Added to the "By State" Page
- Massachusetts - The state's five year master plan for educational
reform, along with an update to the social studies curriculum
- New Hampshire - K-12 Math Curriculum Frameworks.
- South Carolina - Frameworks and standards for the visual
and performing arts, foreign language, and math.
November 27, 2022 Update Information
- State listing and Health - listed the second draft of the
Massachusetts health framework.
- Overview - updated the NCSS and NCTE listings.
- Consolidated the overview and the listing by professional
organization pages.
November 20, 2022 Update Information
- Overview and Math - added a link to the North Central Regional
Educational Laboratory's site called "Pathways to School
Improvement" and to an outstanding page called "Critical
Issue: Implementing Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Standards
in Mathematics."
- State listing, English/Language Arts, and Social Studies
- added New Hampshire.
November 6, 2022 Update Information
- Overview - added "Curriculum Frameworks Mailing List
Postings" and a link to its sponsoring agency, the Regional
Alliance for Mathematics and Science Education Reform.
- Overview - added "Goals 2000: A Progress Report"
and "Example of an Academic Content Standard" to the
US Department of Education section.
- Arts - added the "ArtsEdge Curriculum Connection"
to the subject listing.
- Social Studies - added links to the "Center for Civic
Education," a second site for the "National Standards
for Civics and Government," "Civitas," and several
other documents about civics education to the subject listing.
- California - added "FrameWork OnLine" to subject
and state listings; added "Menodino Curriculum for the California
Frameworks" sites to the state listing.
- Illinois - added "World-Class Education for the 21st
Century" to the state listing.
- Massachusetts - added "second drafts" of curriculum
frameworks in the arts, English/language arts, math, science
and technology, and world languagse to subject and state listings.
- Missouri - added the "Proposed Show-Me Standards"
pages, published in mid-October, to subject and state listings.
- New York - added "New York City Curriculum Frameworks"
information from Nycenet to subject and state listings.