Putnam Valley Computer Use Policy

The Putnam Valley School District employs computers as one way of enhancing its mission to teach the skills, knowledge, and behaviors students will need as successful and responsible adults in the community as a whole. The district's computers provide unequaled opportunities to explore and use a varied and exciting set of resources including computer programs, CDs, and the Internet. In order to make these resources available to everyone, the district expects, in return, that people who use the school's computers will do so in a way that is consistent with its educational mission. Specifically, we expect that, when using or accessing the school's computers: Permission to use the school's computers is dependent upon a student and his or her parent or guardian signing the form below. Signing the form shows that the student understands and will follow the school's computer rules. Failure to follow the rules may result in a student being denied the opportunity to use the district's computers.

I understand that by signing this form I acknowledge that I have read and will follow the school's computer use policy and that I will

Student's Signature: _______________________ Date: _________________________

Student's Name: __________________________ Homeroom: _______ Grade: _____

I have read the school's computer use policy and understand that my child has agreed to follow its rules or face the possibility of being denied the opportunity to use the district's computers.

Parent's Signature: ________________________ Date: _________________________

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