Putnam Valley Schools

Addresses & Phones

Board of Education - (914) 528-8143 or Fax (914) 528-0274
171 Oscawana Lake Road, Putnam Valley, NY 10579
Pat Bellino (president) - 528-1796
Edward MacDonald (vice-president) - 526-3672
Therese Dwyer - 528-8067
James E. Greenwood - 528-6672
Joseph Saporito - 528-5307
District Offices - (914) 528-8143 or Fax (914) 528-0274
171 Oscawana Lake Road, Putnam Valley, NY 10579
Superintendent (John Kleinegris) - 528-8143
Assistant Superintendent for Instruction and Personnel (Janice Krasilovsky) - 528-8143
Assistant Superintendent for Business and Finance (Paul Lee) - 528-8125
Transportation (Linda Koenig) - 528-8900
Pupil Personnel Services (Sheldon Salzberg, director) - 528-8130
Panas High School Liaison (Janice Krasilovsky) - 528-8143
Elementary School - (914) 528-8092 or Fax (914) 528-8171
171 Oscawana Lake Road, Putnam Valley, NY 10579
Principal (Ed Hallisey) - 528-8092
Middle School - (914) 528-8101 or Fax (914) 528-8145
142 Peekskill Hollow Road, Putnam Valley, NY 10579
Principal (Marjorie Holderman) - 528-8101
Assistant Principal (Samuel Oliverio, Jr.) - 528-8101
High School - (914) 528-8143 or Fax (914) 528-0274
171 Oscawana Lake Road, Putnam Valley, NY 10579
Principal (Raymond G. Cooper) - 528-8143

Last updated August 27, 2023
Please contact Charles Hill with questions, comments, suggestions, or updates